Legal text
Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. has the registered office in Carretera LE-142 Km 54,7, Ponferrada, León (Spain) Zip code 24401. For further information you can contact us using the phone number at +34 90 284 81 27 or email below; Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. is registered in the register office of Leon, volume 1.211, book 0, page 119, Section 8, page 20.820 with CIF number B24620247.
Conditions of use
Below we expose the regulation of the that Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. puts at the disposal of users.
The website of Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. has been designed for the users to want known the company, its activities and services. Understanding how user to any person who access or visits our website.
Generally, the users of can access for free form and free. Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. may modify unilaterally and without warning, provision, configuration and contents of the page, as well as the conditions of use and access to the services provided.
The intellectual property rights of this website are owned by Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. We can alter it at any time and without prior notice the contents (texts, codes, prices, graphic and design). The provision of services and the posting of content on the site does not imply renunciation in no time or transmission, total or partial, of the rights of intellectual and industrial property. Therefore, any reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of the contents of the website that have not been expressly authorized by the holders there of constitutes an infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights protected by article 270 and following of the Penal Code.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
Applicable law and all that at concern is responsibility of Spanish legislation shall apply. These terms of use shall be governed by the provisions of Spanish legislation. In the event any discrepancy or dispute arising in connection with the interpretation or application of these terms of use, Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. and the user, expressly renounce any other jurisdiction that could correspond to them, are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the user.
Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. agrees to maintain all the data that we provide our users with the maximum confidentiality and not disclose them to third parties, in accordance with the principles of Personal data protection of the LORTAD (Law 15/1999, of December 13th). Bodega y Viñedos Akilia S.L. informs that the data you provide will be incorporated in this website will be used for the automated files and manage the service requested and/or provide information about activities and related services. If you wish to make use of your right of access, rectification or cancellation of your data, please send an email to